Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS) is one of our key partners and we have worked with them on several really important pieces of work, including Panel Member recruitment, the CHS Rights and Inclusion Strategy and recruitment of the National Convener.
On the first anniversary of the launch of The Zine and the 40 Calls to Action, we are delighted to receive some supportive messages from them…
Lynne Harrison, Depute Chief Executive of CHS and a familiar friend to OHOV, said: “Happy Birthday to the OHOV 40 quacks to action. As part of our commitment to Children’s Rights and Inclusion, we have used the quacks to inform our work. The quacks have been shared with every Panel Member in Scotland and form part of our pre-service training for new Panel Members and are incorporated in our ongoing training to existing Panel Members.
“We are proud this year that young people with lived experience supported Panel Member recruitment and selection in every area across Scotland.”
Laura Beveridge, is CHS’ Children’s Rights and Inclusion Co-ordinator, and we were delighted to welcome her to one of our recent Board meetings. Laura said: “It has been fantastic working alongside Our Hearings, Our Voice to bring the 40 Calls to life within CHS.
“The young people have made 40 important, realistic and essential calls to action that CHS are actively working on. The young people have selflessly shared their views and they are clear about the changes that are urgently needed. The only way to do this is through collective action across the sector and we are committed to doing that at both a local and national level with our partners.
“Happy Birthday to the 40 Calls and a huge well done to everyone involved in this important work.”