If you are interested in becoming an Our Hearings, Our Voice board member, then check out this article by Remi!

A current board member, she has written about the recent OHOV weekend away to Pitlochry. It sounds like an amazing time was had by all and this should definitely get you interested!


Hey, I’m Remi and I recently attended a trip with OHOV to Pitlochry, where we stayed in a hotel for two nights. This was honestly the best experience I have ever had. We did so many things together and we all got to know each other better.

On the first day I got ready and then headed for the train to Glasgow Central. I walked from there to Glasgow Queen Street station. I met up with a lot of the other board members and Gordon and Amy (they’re the staff at OHOV) and we all got the train to Pitlochry together.

On the way to Pitlochry more board members got on the train at Stirling. Gordon had bought us sandwiches, crisps, and juice, so we had a picnic on the train.

We finally arrived at Pitlochry and walked to our hotel. It was uphill and the walk was quite the experience, but we eventually arrived at the hotel and everything was good. Some of the other board members joined us there; one of them had driven from Glasgow, another two had come from Stirling, and one had got the train from Inverness. It was great to see everyone. We checked into our rooms then we all went to the pool and had a good time.

After spending time at the pool we went back to our rooms to get ready, change, and do what we needed to do. We all headed downstairs to get some dinner. At this point most people were hungry. We had dinner and then some of us decided to go a walk to the shops.

We got snacks and drinks from the shop and went back to the hotel. We all hung out for a while then headed to bed because most of us were extremely tired, but I was really excited because we had really good stuff planned the next day.

After doing OHOV work in the morning, half of the group went white water rafting at Nae Limits, which was brilliant. The other half of the group chose to go to For Arts Sake in Scone and paint some ceramics. We met back at the hotel, went swimming again, had dinner, then hung about together in a big room with darts, board games, jenga, and other stuff. Some people did some more OHOV work with Gordon too.

The next day it was time to go home. Before we did that, we went on a big walk around Pitlochry and enjoyed the scenery. We filmed some recruitment videos for OHOV and did some planning for a conference we’re going to have later in the year. We got back to the hotel and relaxed for a bit. Some of us played badminton at the front of the hotel, the rest of us just chatted.

We eventually had to leave Pitlochry and get our trains home. It was a brilliant weekend and I’m already looking forward to the next OHOV residential.



If you are interested in getting involved, we would love to have a chat.

You can call Gordon Main on 07393 803646 or email him at Gordon.Main@scra.gov.uk or call Amy Miskimmin-Logan on 07786358777 or email her at amy.miskimmin-logan@scra.gov.uk.

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