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Check out the latest blogs by Board Members
and some of the people we work with

Reflecting on the Magic! by John Morrison
by John Morrison, Lecturer Digital Media & Interaction Design, School of Computing, Edinburgh Napier University, Co-Director Liminal Studios and part of the team working with Our Hearings, Our Voice It was a real privilege to have the opportunity to continue our exciting collaboration with the magic young board members & the Verbatim Formula crew. The exhibition at the Scottish...

Harry and Vincent attend the FJYPB Conference in Leeds
On the 23rd and the 24th of july me, another board member called Vincent (their duck alias) and two staff members went to leeds to go to the Family Justice Young People's Board Conference in the Queens – which is a very fancy hotel. On the way there we played music and Vincent fell asleep pretty much the whole time. We stopped a lot and had McDonalds for lunch which was delicious and...

National Convener interviews – Blog Post by Bennie
Congratulations to Elliot Jackson who has been appointed to the role of National Convener for Children’s Hearings Scotland. The National Convener interviews was the first Project I was asked to be involved in along with two other young people and Jacqui (OHOV development lead) was there if we needed any support. I travelled down to Edinburgh via train where Jacqui had...

The story behind our Zine – by Jacqui Dunbar Project Lead
This week we officially launch our OHOV Zine, so we’ve written this blog to share the story of its creation. But to start with let’s ‘hear’ the voices of the most important people… “From the start to the finish, it was such a fun thing to be involved in, especially during lockdown as everyone had so much going on, but we knew we’d come together every Tuesday night to work on this. That was the...

Harry’s blog about our first ever virtual meeting
A few weeks ago, me and the rest of the OHOV board as well as the other workers had a virtual meeting because of the fact that we were not able to meet up in person. We used an amazing platform called BAND. To start off Purdie, the person in charge, did a live stream saying hello to everyone and discussing some things. After that some of the others did live streams too. To be honest I was happy...

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Twitter: OHOV_Scotland
Instagram: coming soon
Our Hearings, Our Voice
An independent children and young people’s board for the Children’s Hearings System
© 2025 OHOV
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