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Day in the life of a board member ...

Interested in finding out what being a board member is like? Here is a quick glance at our recent board meeting. 

We start off by travelling to the board meeting

Sharing our ideas - Some like to talk, some write, and some draw

Met professionals to plan out a project on language in Children's Hearings

Working on new content ideas for our magazine, VOICE

Sharing ideas through doodles and artwork

Sometimes we get sandwiches and pakora, but pizza is our favourite!

We worked with our mentors to come up with ideas for new projects

Using post it notes to give feedback on each other's ideas

Creative talents to produce artwork for our magazine

“Labels” – the workshop really got us thinking about words in Hearings

Different ideas for resources to help children understand their rights

Our Hearings, Our Voice

An independent children and young people’s board for the Children’s Hearings System 

© 2025 OHOV

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